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Reception Forest School

Reception and Nursery have absolutely loved their forest school sessions this term!

We have been very busy looking for and observing wildlife and mini-beasts in their habitats, understanding that animals make homes in different/similar places. We have observed the changes in the weather from session to session, and thought about how it makes us feel and what we need to wear. We have enjoyed a few very wet sessions! While observing differences and similarities between trees, plants and flowers we have also been discovering different textures, sights, sounds and smells of natural materials. Out in the Forest of Dreams we have been able to explore climbing trees, running, throwing, catching, carrying, dragging, pushing and pulling, safe stick play, climbing and rolling down a muddy hill, balancing on logs, using tools, using scissors to cut and thread string, mark making with mud, charcoal, paint brushes, sticks, stones and tying string. Of course another exciting thing during each session is when we enjoy a warm drink and healthy snack together.