Year 2
Being part of the Year 2 class at St. George’s is exciting and challenging. We develop more independence and become good role models to the younger children in Reception and Year 1. We really encourage each and every child to take more responsibility and work together as a team. Caring for each other, sharing class resources, keeping our classroom tidy and helping with jobs around the classroom are all things we promote in order to become a valued part of our class and school community. We enjoy taking part in every aspect of school life and will help the teachers in any way possible. We work hard striving to be the best that we can be. We follow the motto, “There are no mistakes, only lessons.” We take pride in our work and celebrate our own achievements and that of others in our class.
We start the year in Terms 1 and 2 with a wide breadth of topics to learn and be curious about. In Maths, we start with Place Value and Number work before moving onto Calculation and Shape. In English we continue with the Grammarsaurous program, developing our phonic knowledge and fluency in reading. We are Geographers trying to answer the question, Would you prefer to live in a hot or a cold place? We are Historians, finding out what life was like in schools in the past. We are Scientists learning about Animals and what they need to survive, as well as learning about materials in Term 2 . In Art we explore maps and get creative with felt. In DT we look at different structures while in PE we dance and learn basic Yoga. In PSHE we talk about being ‘Me in My World’ as well as celebrating differences. In Computing we learn about what computers and information technology is as well as find out how to take the perfect photograph. Our RE curriculum starts with the topic of Thankfulness as we move towards Harvest Festival and Christmas. In music, we become performers, singing and using actions and untuned percussion. What a busy class of learners we are!
In Terms 3 and 4 we are just as busy! In Maths, we continue our work on shape as well as developing our multiplication and division skills and learning about money. In English we continue with the Read Write Inc program, developing our phonic knowledge and fluency in reading as well as moving onto learning more elements of grammar and writing using different books as a stimulus. As Geographers we learn about how our world is so wonderful and as Historians, we explore how we learnt to fly. We are Scientists learning about living things and their habitats. In Art and DT we explore painting and making mechanisms. In PSHE we talk about Dreams and Goals and being healthy. In computing and music we learn about how to make music and become composers. Our RE curriculum focuses on Easter. In PE we get bendy in gymnastics and learn basic ball skills. The fun never ends!
In Terms 5 and 6, learning and exploring continues. In Maths we continue to build our maths skills looking at Fractions, Position and Direction as well as Measures. In English we continue to develop our reading and grammar skills continuing to look at different genres and using models to help us write our own. . As Geographers we learn about what it is like to live by a coast and as Historians, we ask the question, what is a monarch? In Science our learning revolves around the theme of growing (plants, animals and humans). In Art and DT we explore sculpture and continue our work on mechanisms. In PSHE we talk about relationships and how we change as get older. In computing we become programmers using Purple Mash to help us. Our RE curriculum focuses on Islam and what it means to be a Muslim. In PE, hopefully the weather is kind and get active with invasion games and athletics. In music, we continue to perform and compose and understand the beginnings of musical notation.
It really is a busy year in Year 2. However, as the year progress it is an honour and a pleasure to see the children grow academically, emotionally and socially. They really do blossom as their confidence grows.