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Year 2

Year 2 is a fun, engaging and challenging year as we prepare the children to move into Key stage 2. Here we like to build more independence in our work and play, while still providing a supportive environment that ensures children feel safe and secure in all areas of their education. Throughout the year the children enjoy a broad curriculum with good opportunities for creative development alongside academic challenge.

During year 2 we consistently focus on developing fluency to our reading by engaging in class reading daily. We continue to use phonics to support our reading and writing, learning spelling patterns and year 2 common exception words before applying them in a broad range of writing types, such as narratives, non-chronological reports and poetry.

In maths we work through the curriculum to cover a range of mathematical areas. We begin by ensuring the children are secure with place value before building addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills. Throughout the year we also explore shape, measurement, money and statistics.

In the autumn term we travel back to look at how schools have changed, comparing classrooms and teaching styles from the 1900’s through to today. In our science work we look at the needs of humans and animals for survival before moving on to exploring materials. Here the children have lots of opportunities for making predictions, experimenting and then drawing conclusions. In our Geography we begin exploring hot and cold places in the world, looking at the equator and the North and South Poles. Our R.E. this term looks at the religion of Islam, exploring their key beliefs and the way in which they worship.

In the spring term we look at the development of flight, starting from the first successful, manned flight by the Wright Brothers in 1903, before learning about significant female pilots, Bessie Coleman and Amelia Earhart. To conclude we explore the development of flight into space. In science this term we identify parts of a plant before starting to look at habitats. In R.E. we spend time learning about harvest celebrations across different religions, before turning our focus to Judaism.  Our Geography learning focuses on ‘Our wonderful world’ where we deep dive into some of the most recognisable and significant places in the UK, before extending our learning to other parts of the world.

Finally, in the summer term our history shifts to look at the British Monarchy and the significance of the royal family in British history. We look at Kings from the past, before learning about the coronation of King Charles iii in 2023. Our Science turns to focus on biology, looking at the lifecycles of mammals and other animals, as well as plants. In this term our Geography explores to the British coastline, looking at the features of the coast and what it is like to live in the seaside town of Weymouth. Here the children also get the opportunity to use their data collecting skills to gather and analyse information. In R.E. we focus on Christianity and the key areas of salvation and incarnation.