Governing Body Chair: Peter Hilton Vice Chair: Julie Bacon
Clerk to Governors: Claire Sammons (interim)
The Governing Body takes a strategic role, acts as a critical friend to the school and is accountable for its decisions. It sets aims and objectives, reviews, agrees and monitors policies, targets and priorities and is accountable for the efficient and effective use of its funding. The Full Governing Body meets at six times a year. The Governing Body can and does establish ad-hoc working parties as the need arises made up of suitably experienced governors, in order to deliver against deadlines with which it is faced.
If required, the Working Party structure is as follows:
Standards Chair: Martyn Taylor
The Standards Working Group
The Standards Working Group, in collaboration with the staff, look at raising standards. The working party gathers information about how the curriculum is taught, evaluated and resourced. It reviews policies, ensures that pupils with Special Educational Needs have their needs met and that appropriate provision is made available for all pupils, including those on the Pupil Premium Register. It makes appropriate recommendations to the Finance Working Party in relation to staffing.
Finance Chair: Peter Hilton
The Finance Working Group
The Finance Working Group has responsibility for providing guidance and assistance to the Executive Headteacher and Governors in all matters relating to budgeting and finance.
Premises Chair: Peter Hilton
The Premises Working Group
The Premises Working Group provides support and guidance for the Governing Body and the Executive Headteacher on all matters relating to the maintenance and development of the premises and grounds, including Health and Safety.
Personnel Chair: Peter Hilton
The Personnel Working Group
The Personnel Working Group provides support and Guidance for the Governing Body and the Executive Headteacher on all matters relating to the employment of staff and their training and development.
Performance Management Chair: Julie Bacon
This Committee works with the school’s Education Adviser to ensure that the Performance Management Review of the Executive Headteacher is implemented, effective and reviewed annually.
Pay Review Chair: Julie Bacon
The role of the Pay Committee is to implement the School’s Pay and Performance Policy. The Committee has fully delegated powers and consists of three members of the Governing Body but does not include the Chair of Governors.
Admissions Chair: Revered Martyn Taylor
Admissions Committee
This committee advises the Governing Body on matters relating to the Government's Admissions Code of Practice, the formation of the school's Admission Policy each year for new entrants into the Reception Year and for mid-year admissions. They purchase the services of Lincolnshire County Council's Legal Team for supporting Admissions Appeals.
Name of Governor | Relevant Business interests | Other Education establishments governed | Relationships with school staff including spouses, partners and relatives | Governor type | Term from | Term to | Governor roles |
Peter Hilton | None | None | None | Foundation DBE or PCC appointed | 1.9.23 | 31.8.27 |
Chair of Governors Year 1 governor |
Julie Bacon | None | None | None | Foundation DBE or PCC appointed | 15.9.24 | 14.11.28 |
Vice Chair Y6 governor |
Debra Chand | None | None | None | Foundation DBE or PCC appointed | 11.3.24 | 10.3.28 | |
Jon Milne | None | None | None | LA | 13.9.23 | 12.9.27 |
Safeguarding Attendance |
Rev. Martyn Taylor | None | None | None | Ex-Officio | 1.9.15 ongoing | Year 4 governor | |
Hayley Remnant | Staff member | None | None | Co-opted | 31.1.24 | 30.1.28 | |
Tom Deignan | None | None | None | Parent | 13.09.23 | 12.9.27 | Year 5 governor |
Kim Phillips | None | None | None | Parent | 2.11.23 | 01.11.27 | SEND |
Rachel Fleming | Staff member | None | None | Associate | 15.3.23 | 14.3.27 | No voting rights on committees |
Rev. George Holding | None | None | None | Ex-Officio | 1.9.20 ongoing | EYFS governor | |
Laura Martin | Staff member | None | None | Ex-Officio | 1.9.23 ongoing | ||
Michelle Welch | Staff member | None | None | Staff | 4.2.25 | 3.2.29 |
Two Foundation Governors from St. George's, Stamford
One Foundation Governor from St. Guthlac's, Market Deeping
Governors resigning during the current academic year: 1
Name of Governor | Relevant Business interests | Other Education establishments governed | Relationships with school staff including spouses, partners and relatives | Governor type | Term from | Term to |
Nicole Olford-Bell | Staff member | None | None | Staff | 1.9.23 | 31.12.24 |
Governors resigning during the previous academic year:
Name of Governor | Relevant Business interests | Other Education establishments governed | Relationships with school staff including spouses, partners and relatives | Governor type | Term from | Term to |
Natalie Lumb | None | None | None | Parent | 01.09.23 | |
Megan Williams | None | None | None | Foundation | 4.11.19 | 3.11.23 |
Matthew Baker | Staff member | None | None | Co-opted | 13.9.23 |
31.12.23 |