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Collective Worship Council

The Collective Worship Council are elected each year in Term 6 to serve for the following school year. They are elected by their class members.  In the older year groups, children are asked to write a manifesto of how they would like to see Collective Worship developed in school. Two children are chosen from each class by their peer group.

The Collective Worship Council meet each term and plan a special celebration worship which focusses on the school Christian value for that term.

Term 1             Friendship

Term 2             Generosity

Term 3             Thankfulness

Term 4             Forgiveness

Term 5             Respect

Term 6             Courage

The council plan an activity, for example, a Bible story, a re-enactment of a Biblical event, or songs. A prayer is written and they decide on the hymn which celebrates the morning’s theme. Certificates are presented to children who have been chosen by their class for showing a good understanding of the Term’s Christian value.

At the beginning of each school worship, two children are assigned as Worship Leaders and begin the worship with our ‘Out of the Box’ ceremony.

Worship Leader:         We open the box and take out the Bible to remind us of God the Father   who ..

All say:                        made and cares for us.

Worship Leader:         We take out the cross to remind us of God the Son, Jesus who ..

All say:                        is our friend and died for us.

Worship Leader:         We take out the candle to remind us of God the Holy Spirit who ..

All say:                        is the power of God’s love within us.  God the three in one.

Members of Year 6 are asked to say what they think went well within a worship time and suggest any changes in which the worship could be enhanced into the future.

Work of the Collective Worship Council

The Council are given opportunities throughout the school year to meet with members of staff and members of the clergy. With our newly formed federation, the Collective Worship Council from our partner school, St. George’s Church of England Primary School, have visited William Hildyard and shared in a special worship. Both schools talked about what makes a good Collective Worship and what makes a good Religious Education lesson.

Some of the activities the Collective Worship Council have carried out

  • Working with the ‘Mighty Creatives’
  • Developing art activities for the whole school to participate in
  • Designing of the school banner and logo
  • Working alongside members of the Barnabas Trust, looking at the impact of worship on the life of the school
  • Formation of a school prayer
  • Collect music and songs for prayer time
  • Attended the 200th Year Celebration of the National Anglican Society at Westminster Abbey on behalf of the Diocese of Lincoln
  • Host the Year 3 and 4 Church School Festival at St. Guthlac’s for the Deepings Schools
  • Took part in hosting our visitors from the Church of South India
  • Working alongside our School Council and Eco schools Council to plan whole school events.

Council Members

Y1:  Jack Remnant and Olivia Condley

Y2:  Oliver Brown and Jack Belfitt

Y3:  Alexander Jay and Marley Bridges

Y4:  Zander Creer and Alexis 

Y5:  Chloe Cockeril and Clara Howard

Y6:  Lara Milne and Flynn East